Sunday, August 30, 2015

Who is dangerous?

In your notebooks, list 5 words that come to mind when you see the word:

  • Terrorist
  • Muslim

Close your eyes and picture a terrorist. Who did you see?
Perspective Shift: Picture 1, Picture 2Picture 3

Close your eyes and picture a Muslim. Who did you see? What were they doing?

Perspective Shift:

Independent Exploration & Reflection 

Step 1:
In your notebook, label 2 pages:
Page 1: Ideas/Responses/Observations, Surprises
Page 2: Questions, Uncovered Assumptions

Step 2:
For each site, click on links and explore. You do not need to go in order.
Keep track of your thoughts and prepare for a class discussion with specific evidence to link to your own responses.

Reminder: The key questions to ask yourself: What are my perspectives and assumptions? Why?

Diverse Muslim Voices
The World's Muslims: Unity and Diversity Infographic
Anti-Muslim Experiment
Hate Crimes Against Muslims
Cross-Cultural Comparison: Sharia Law in Britain
Woolwich: War Without Borders?
Hate Crime Against Muslim Cab Driver
One Direction Band Member: Terrorist?
In 2012, 7 people were killed in a Sikh temple by a white supremacist. Look through the coverage of this event here:
More on Sikh Religion

Step 3: As a class, regroup and share.

Step 4: (Next Class) Learn about 9.11
Interactive 9.11 Timeline
National Geographic Remember 9-11
History.Com: 9.11 Attacks


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I thought it was really cool how a lot of people in the restaurant scene defended the clerk, and how the american soldier stood up for what he believed and told off the racist actor.

  4. I thought it was really cool how a lot of people in the restaurant scene defended the clerk, and how the american soldier stood up for what he believed and told off the racist actor.
