Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Step 1: Explore the Race Card Project:
Take your time and read through some of the posts that other people have put on the site.

Step 2:
On your own blog, post a Race Card that caught your attention. Discuss your thoughts on the card and explain any interpretation or extension you may have.

Step 3:
Create your own race card in 7 words or less and post it on your blog (part of the same post as above).

Look at Examples for help: 

For Next Class

Learn more about our nation's struggle with race: 
See what you can find both for and against the "Black Lives Matter" movement


  1. My whiteness empowers daily racial blindness
    Beaverton, OR

    To me this is something I can relate to because being white, it is very easy to succumb to racial jokes and racism because white is the majority/favored race, at least in this country. I am not a racist person, but sometimes being surrounded by racist white people who have nothing to stop them from being racist. Honestly this has never happened to me personally, I have never been part of a racist group or activity, but some white people certainly do have that experience.

    Secret shame: Still surprised by similarities.

    I chose this card because I believe that racism/discrimination develops easiest when you only know one side of the story or refuse to hear the other. I have to say more than a few times I've been surprised about the differences and similarities that I didn't know existed. I believe that if we really want to get along then we have to be willing to understand more than the surface.

    The one that stood out to me the most was "The blues helped whites understand blacks."

    I think it's interesting how in normal situations, it's hard for 'white' people to understand how they've hurt those of the other races. Blues was a style of music that conveyed all the sorrow and other feelings of the black people in that time period. It's kind of cool how music could affect people in that kind of way, teaching them things they normally wouldn't care about.

    If I were to write one, it would go like this:
    Black, white, purple, green- just colors

  2. "My whiteness empowers daily racial blindness."
    I really like this quote because I think that many people don't realize how much different their lives could have been if they were another skin color. People take for granted that they weren't excluded from all activities when, should they have been another skin color, been emotionally hurt and angry.

  3. The saying just caught my attention, "Love has no color, hate does." It makes sense to me because you don't care about the differences you have between yourself and another when you love them, but when you do hate someone, you think about every little detail that bugs or annoys you, every little thing about them.

  4. This race card caught my attention:
    Female. Hispanic. Ph.D. Why so surprised?

    My thoughts:
    You thought I was a maid

  5. “How can I not be racist?”
    It’s hard because we’re programmed to think a certain way after many generations. We try to treat everyone the same, but for whatever reason, it’s difficult. I don’t judge people based on what they look like, but I understand where this person is coming from.
    And why, in Star Trek, is the guy with the strange pointed ears so well-liked? Spock is the most different looking character but everyone loves him (unless they hate logic). Why can’t we transfer that to real people?
