Thursday, September 4, 2014

Think Inside the Box


If you could "snoop" in anyone's box from history or from the present, who would it be and why?
What would you hope to find?
What would you hope to learn?
What types of evidence would you expect to come across and what would you hope to deduce?


If I could snoop in anyone's box, I think I'd choose Pocahontas. I've heard so many different versions of her life. In Disney's account, she was a brave young woman, driven by love and compassion for John Smith. In my Native American Studies class in college, we learned that she was kidnapped and forced to go to England where she died of a broken heart. My suspicion has always been that she saved John Smith's life to avoid war. Perhaps she did love him, but, as the daughter of a chief, she was probably very concerned about the safety of her people. She knew that these new people from across the water were dangerous and killing one of them would inevitably lead to conflict. So, how did the love story develop? At what point did her destiny become a journey across the Atlantic Ocean, a name change to Rebecca Rolfe, a life of parading about as a strange and exotic creature in the court of English elite? Maybe she was extremely curious and longing for adventure.

It's tricky because I don't think she would have a journal, as her people didn't yet have a written language. Perhaps I would find lots of random items that would suggest she was curious and intelligent, full of questions and imagination. Or, maybe I would find items that represented peace, suggesting that her underlying motivation was to keep peace for her people.

In truth, rather than snooping through her box, I'd love to spend a day with her and hear her version of the story.


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